
For nearly 50 years, donors, nonprofits, communities, government and civic leaders have trusted San Diego Foundation to transform lives and have partnered with SDF for lasting change that moves our region forward.

With assets of more than $1.4 billion, San Diego’s largest regional community foundation understands the pulse of local communities better than anyone, enabling donors and nonprofit partners to tackle the most critical needs facing San Diegans.

In July 2021, the Foundation adopted a bold, new Strategic Plan and vision for just, equitable and resilient communities.

Mother holding son with a flag from San Diego State University.

Resilient Communities

Access to safe, affordable housing is a key pillar of the Foundation's Strategic Plan: Building Resilient Communities.

Outlined in the San Diego Economic Equity Report, ​​housing is one of the largest costs San Diegans face - 38% of San Diegans spend more than 30% of their income on their housing. The percentage is even higher for households of color.

We must build resilient communities to ensure all San Diegans can live here. The Foundation views housing as a foundational issue that affects all income sectors and the future growth and prosperity of our region.

Women at San Diego bus stop waiting as MTS bus pulls up to a stop.

San Diego Housing Fund

In 2023, the Foundation announced its newest transformative initiative: the San Diego Housing Fund (SDHF).

Headed by a team of experienced, mission-driven leaders, SDHF receives support from San Diego Foundation in fundraising, public policy, information technology, marketing and human resources.

Led by Executive Director Nicole Forrest, SDHF is committed to supporting the creation of 10,000 units of new housing by 2034.

A San Diego family sits together and laughs as they have family time.

More About San Diego Foundation

Foundation Annual Report
San Diego Economic Equity Report
San Diego Foundation Team
San Diego Housing Problem